Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dreams of Motherhood never include vomit but they should...

So, our adventure for today began very early this morning. Like about 12:15am. Sugie had been crying and fussing at bedtime so I had pulled her into bed with me, which is pretty rare, especially in a full size bed I am sharing with my husband who is built like a Viking King. Anyway, as soon as she snuggled into the crook of my arm my face leaned in close to her forehead she drifted off. I was thankful as yesterday had been a pretty long and tiring day for me. This was about 10:30. At 12:15 I bolt awake to the sound of crying following by a burp and the sound of gagging. Even in my mid-slumber grogginess my instincts knew what this was. After all, after four kids, the sound of a sick baby is quite familiar. As I quickly rise to frantically look for a "catcher" that wouldn't be too major a loss I feel the nose burning liquid hit the chest of my shirt and run down my arm as it pours down her chest. Her little body heaves again as I begin scanning the dark unfamiliar room for ANY kind of catch that doesn't involve sacrificing the last shred of human dignity and skin I have...there is NOTHING. DH is happily snoozing beside me blissfully unaware of the impending disaster. I have no choice I say "Daddy! Get me a towel! Hurry!" as I yank off my shirt to save the cheap polyester hotel bedspread not because I care but because it is 8 degrees outside and I do not want to sleep under a vomit blanket. DH, the hero that he is, scrambles in a haze of sleep stumbling like a man who has had one too many Jager-bombs, to the bathroom to retrieve the much desired item. He tosses it from the door like a last second three pointer at an NBA finals game. I am as relieved as if I had been betting on the game and that shot just won me a large jackpot. She finally stops her exorcism like spewing of the foul liquid and drifts off to sleep. I think it is over and thank the Lord as I drift off smelly and holding a towel "catcher" at the ready under her chin just in case. Just as I begin to float into dreamland I am again jolted awake by the sound of gagging as a fountain of vomit explodes into the air coming down on my "catcher" the side of the baby's neck and down my armpit onto the bed. I flip her on her side to avoid joking only to spew a fresh pool of vomit onto my bed...where I need to sleep. Remember, we are in a full size bed, with a King Sized man, there is no "wiggle room". DH clambors for a fresh towel just as the baby launches a stream OVER the hand towel "catcher" onto the aforementioned polyester bedspread I sacrificed my top to save. So 6 towels, 4.5 hours, 1 shirt, 3 pairs of jammies, and lots of sanity and dignity later this mama finally gets to sleep on a towel over a mattress covered in vomit, with a baby nestled into her neck that smells like puke, next to a King sized man who is snoring like a chain saw, under a bedspread that is soaking wet from puke, in a poorly insulated hotel room, in Pennsylvania where it is 8 degrees with blowing snow outside. Yet somehow I slept better in the three hours I got to sleep than I have in days...oh yes...House Ninja...

Monday, January 21, 2013

Hi!! Welcome to my blog!!

Hi all!! Welcome to my blog! Starting this to keep friends and family up to date on the craziness of our daily life, share recipes, share awesome websites, show off my latest crafty things, and give other random life tips....basically this blog is absolute and total randomness. I am the House ninja and this is my life.

Our adventure begins in Northern Pennsylvania. We came up here in January, just about the WORST time of year to come here. Our HIGH this week is going to be 20 degrees...yes the HIGH for the WEEK!! *thud* Quite a shock to this southern girl's thin blood. I haven't been warm since we arrived here 9 days ago. We are surviving but we spend A LOT of time indoors. HA HA HA We are currently residing in a little hotel and hoping to purchase our dream trailer. Being in a hotel with three littles presents lots of little issues which require ingenuity and patience to resolve. For instance, we have a 9 month old "Sugie" who is adorable, like seriously she is precious, pink cheeks, blonde hair, big blue eyes and a permanent smile on her face. Anyway, this adorable little troll, uh I mean child, can not go to sleep without a bottle. Not really an issue except that she doesn't drink it she merely sucks on the nipple for 45 seconds until she falls asleep then lets it dribble its dairy like substance onto whatever it lands on. Not such an issue until the next morning when it has fermented and now smells like the most awful fraternity house couch. *gag* Well living in a hotel as we are currently means you have no laundry services except to drive them into town to the local wash and fold which takes 2 days to wash and fold your laundry. Absolutely RIDICULOUS but I digress. Yesterday just happened to be the day my sweet, wonderful, husband took all of our things there to be refreshed which means I now have a stinky playpen, stinky blanket, and stinky baby with no way to wash anything. So our adventure today? Washing a playpen sheet and blanket in the SHOWER in a TINY bathroom barely big enough for one with a baby pulling up on my windpants which keep falling down under her efforts and a 3 year old poking her head around to look me in my face and say "Sugie's pull your pants down..." and laughing. Only took me 35 minutes and a shower later and both are clean and smell nice and are hanging to dry from my shower rod with a pile of towels beneath them to catch the drips. I go in about every 30 minutes to wring out the excess water collecting at the bottom and "fluff" them. I know when Cornbread (My wonderful hubby) arrives home he will come out of the bathroom looking very puzzled, holding a hopefully mostly dry sheet and blanket, and ask "Fun day?" To which I will laugh halfheartedly and say "If you have ever done laundry in a hotel shower, you might be a house ninja..."